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Basic Schooling:4 Years

The Maximum and Minimum Years for Taking Courses: Three to Six Years

The Minimum Credits for Graduation:117

Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering

Objectives of Program

The Software Engineering Program has been designed to prepare students for a successful career in the software industry and the information technology sector as software engineering professionals with a high level of international competitiveness. Through challenging curricula and innovative courses that combines theory and practice, students will acquire a solid understanding on all aspects of software development, a profound comprehension of engineering economics and entrepreneurship in software practice, and a breadth of knowledge and skills in engineering, computer science, mathematics and complementary studies that will provide students a base for life-long learning. Each course is delivered in English by an expert in the subject, and generally includes weeks of classes, practices, and group work, where students learn and apply principles, tools, and techniques in a real-world project environment. Class sizes are kept small to facilitate interaction and to promote effective learning. Each subject is taught at least once a year (some are taught two or three times) and most can be studied in any order, with the aim of helping to provide the kind of flexibility required by students with existing commitments.

Requirements of Program

Through the learning and training of the Software Engineering Program, graduates areexpected to acquire abilities, knowledge or skills described in the four aspects as follows:

Fundamental Qualities

1) the abilities to identify, analyze and solve problems effectively;

2) the abilities of communication and organization, and a strong sense of teamwork;

3) a deep understanding of intellectual laws and professional ethics;

4) a strong sense of innovation and the abilities to work and learn independently;

Professional Knowledge

1) a fundamental comprehension of mathematics and related disciplines;

2) a solid foundation of computer science and technology;

3) a profound understanding of the theories, models and techniques of softwareengineering;

Professional Skills

1) proficiency in problem identification and analysis, software design, development,

implementation, verification and documentation;

2) proficiency in applying engineering principles to solve problems in softwaredevelopment;

3) the ability to work as an individual or as part of a team to develop and deliverquality software artifacts;

English Skills

1) proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing;

2) proficiency in writing academic papers and technical reports, and in internationalconference presentation;

3) proficiency in utilizing advanced technology and heterogeneous sources to acquireuseful information.

Major Field:Software Engineering

Main Courses:

Core Courses

Introduction to Computer System

Discrete Mathematics

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Data Structures and Algorithms

Operating Systems

Computer Networks

Software Engineering

Database Systems

System-Level Programming

Digital Logic: Application and Design

Computer Architecture

Linear Algebra with Application to Engineering

Probability and Statistics

Elective Courses

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction

Environment & Tools for Software Development

Principles of Compiler Design

Multimedia Technology

Embedded Systems

Distributed System and Internet

Software Model Checking

Software Project Management

Software Quality Assurance and Testing

Image Processing

Computer Vision

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Courses for Practices

Practices in Software Development

Advances in Software Development

Seminars in Software Engineering

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